Sunday, January 27, 2008

Family Ice Fishin'

"You and me go fishing in the ice
sittin' on the lake just waiting for a bite
Where the river's froze"

My first time Ice fishing! Quite interesting, but we had SOOOOOOOO much fun!
(The pictures speak for themselves.)

The count:

Justin: 9 perch
Jamen: 4 perch
Emmit: 1 perch
Sharla: NOTHING!!
! (unfortunate I know!)

Justin's Mishap

Enjoy the pictures (don't throw up)!

Justin was working and he decided to use his pocket knife as wire cutters (smart Justin!) The pocket knife slipped, went through the top of his finger, and out the bottom.


I know it is a little late to be blogging about Christmas, but hey, we had a
good time and I wanted to share. The boys were so excited (but I think Justin was the most excited being able to share Christmas with the boys!) The boys woke us up at 6:00 to start opening presents.

Our traditions are: 1-stocking get opened first, 2-Santa brings one big gift to open, 3-open all the rest of the presents, and 4- enjoy a delectable breakfast casserole.

Our favorite gifts:
Justin: A worlds gym workout center
Sharla: Record player (good one Justin- you are so sweet!)
Jamen: Air Hockey Table
Emmit: Marble Run

We made a good haul! We enjoy having this time of year to reflect on the Savior.
We hope you all had a good one!

Friday, January 25, 2008

ThE LitTLe ThiNgS I hAvE bEeN CrAviNg!

Every day brings new cravings with pregnancy. These are just a few of the things that I crave right now!

# 1 NaCho'S

#2 SLeEP!!!!
#3 A MaId
#4 The reSuLts oF ExerciSe WithOUt Actually DoInG It!

#5 FrUIt..

#6 ToMato sOup
aNd grIlLed chEesE

Robertson Family Update...

Just a little update on how the family is doing. I know I haven't blogged in quite a while so I thought I would update everyone on how the Robertson family is doing.
Jamen, is doing well in school and growing up way too fast. He is in Kindergarten and is learning so much. One of his favorite things is Show and Tell. The last time he had it I tried to talk him out of bringing the biggest remote control hummer that you have ever seen. However, he was very convincing and talked me into it. He said that the kids went crazy over it and was so excited to tell me what a hit it was.
Emmit, is not my baby anymore. He is also growing up way to fast. He can write his name and knows the letters of the alphabet. He is still as clumsy as ever and gets into mischief when I am not paying attention. His latest stunt included a pair of scissors and a few bald spots on his head. I tried to even it out but you can still see where he took chunks out. He claims Jamen gave him the scissors and I don't doubt it for a second.
Justin, is working hard to support the family and adjusting to married life with two wild little boys. I am so lucky to have him in my life and so thankful he has been such a good father to the boys. He is scared and excited about the new baby on the way and works even harder knowing there is going to be an addition.
I am growing bigger every day and feel so blessed to have a little life growing inside of me. I'm trying to keep up with the boys and get in a little rest when I can. I have been busy with doctor appointments, babysitting and keeping the family happy. I have also been nesting and trying to get the house together for our new arrival this year.
That is The Robertson Family update. I hope to keep on top of blogging when I get a chance and love and miss you all.